Jesus Over Rules! It doesn’t matter what the world says at all, what matters is what God and the Bible Says. I care deeply about the things that matter as God teaches us in the Bible. Obviously the devil did not roll down the red carpet when I took the step of faith. When you take any step of faith it is an exercise and it may not feel comfortable. The enemy tried to throw all sorts of things to stumble it from progressing. The devil doesn’t want us to get encouraged, see the truth, be in unity, and find freedom in Christ. However God and thanks be unto OUR LORD JESUS OVER RULES, and DOES want us to get encouraged, see the truth, be in unity, and find freedom in Christ. JESUS HAS FINAL SAY and THIS MINISTRY BELONGS TO JESUS! JESUS HAS THE FINAL SAY! If you feel discouraged today know that I also know how it feels, that if you put your trust in God HE HAS A WAY, HE WANTS US TO STAY HOPEFUL, SEE THE TRUTH, FIND FREEDOM IN CHRIST, BE IN UNITY, AND ENCOURAGED! Glory Be To Jesus!