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Why The World Is Biased? What Is Right And What Is Wrong?

There Is A Truth In A Biased World According To The Laws Of God (The Word Of God In The Bible)

In a world where “everything goes” and one can “choose” there destiny comes also with great responsibility. There is right and a wrong. The Holy Scriptures that the Creator Of The Universe (Jesus through Holy Spirit) wrote through His Chosen. Truth is the truth. One can argue that, “Oxygen doesn’t exist in the 'air' and 'water' can be whatever you choose it to be.” Guess what, oxygen exists on this earth, it’s called “0” and has a atomic mass of “15.999 u.” One needs oxygen in the air to breath and live. One needs pure water H20 to live as well. Those two things one absolutely needs to live. Then one needs to eat healthy food to live properly. The point is the truth is the truth and a lie is a lie. The same thing is true about the Creator one needs Him to live a life of "real" excellence and happiness. To find "real" life. (See John 4:14 KJV Says: But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.)

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