Emotional wellbeing, support, security, and love should only be MAINLY received through Christ
Jesus our Lord, and not through people as a main source but the connection source that Christ offers, because He the Lord is the ultimate...
“Real Christianity is not an agenda it is Love.” - G.S.Ministries
#transformation by the renewing of mind 20-21
“Real flow should be as calmness” - G.S
#transformation by the renewing of mind 20-21
“One should take off the veil of deception today and see the truth in light before #time completes.”
#transformation by the renewing of mind 20-21
“Chemistry in relationships is as harmony in Truth.” - G.S.Ministries
#transformation by the renewing of mind 20-21
“The odds may not look good but odds are just a odd. It can happen the right way that is why prayer
is important.” - G.S.Ministries #transformation by the renewing of mind 20-21
“A healthy flow is a good sign that one is on the right track not forcing their own will but rather
yielding to God.” - G.S #transformation by the renewing of mind 20-21
Natural and super natural by sanctification that means set apart. ~ G.S.Ministries
#transformation by the renewing of mind 20-21
“At the end of the day a person has to make a decision to do the right thing for the next day.”
#transformation by the renewing of mind 20-21
“Thoughts to action” is the exercise of will to do what the thought wants hence from the thought to
physical action. Make sure thoughts are pure that are acted upon and the junky thoughts or ill will to execute on the Truth are...