Shepherding or also known leading such as as a CEO, Pastor, Priest, President, King, or Queen have
What is a leader and what a leader is not leading according to The Holy Scriptures?
“The calculated risk is that of temperance, but reckless risk is foolish.” - G.S
“A thing that steals your attention, steals your life unless stopped in time.” - G.S
“When we all share The Holy Scriptures collectively and wholeheartedly then progress occurs.” - G.S
Humanitarian aid, whether it be financially or in the physical sense, doesn’t solve the problem
Why vigilance is important? — The enemy tries to brainwash that would then shape the thinking
A person either takes assertions by observing the case or stays silent by quickly acting complacent.
Why referral is important if one party’s needs is different than the others? “It is important to
“Faith is necessary because it reveals in the last time.” - G.S.MinistrDef